Credits :WPShout
howdy so if you’ve ever run pagespeed insights which I’ve just done on W B Sharp. Come here you might notice us suggestions that you Minify CSS minified JavaScript and that’s kind of hard to deal with in a WordPress site because you’re running a bunch of plug-in so if I look at this recommendations for us one of these is are themes that will she would you could reasonably Minify but another’s coming from a plug-in we use called Monarch and another one from a plug-in we use called wpg form and similarly if I look at the at the JavaScript what I’m seeing is 21 from a plug-in we wrote one from Monarch again so it’s hard for me to Minify that CSS and JavaScript because I didn’t write it all and that’s really, but there’s a solution and it’s called a plug-in call OptimEyes kind of a weird combination words it’s Auto and optimize together without the s

autoptimize in your dashboard and you install it you can activate it

what’s installed

and out of the box all you’ll notice that’s different is that you get this but don’t take this as a sign that it’s fully ready to go you need that for this little on optimize thing up here isn’t ready to go you can actually click here or you can go into settings on optimize and there you want to turn it on you want to optimize HTML JavaScript and CSS and if I actually look at the page speed insights I think it probably actually wasn’t complaining about my HTML but nonetheless I’m going to go ahead and use autoptimize on that as well and so I’m going to take this opportunity remember I got a 63 on mobile 881 on desktop and if I reanalyze after installing and loading autoptimize I know going to 72 on mobile in an 84 on desktop it’s not the hugest different in the world difference in the world but it does make a meaningful difference to Minify that CSS and JavaScript it is still considered best practice on 97.99% of 1

so definitely autoptimize or a plug-in like it there are many many plugins it’ll do the same thing autoptimize just really strikes me as a very nice plug-in so it’s going to going to recommend to you hopefully that’s helpful to you

Credits :The TutorGuy
where to look at page speed insides again working with this website on page fit inside show you how to correct some of the problems Google find the website again 78 year on the desktop and there’s about 18 or so problems in here

2% reduction

11% reduction there and then Minify HTML problems if you’re not there to do this they actually have an option to Minify HTML CSS and JavaScript but for now we’ll show you how to do it on WordPress site

so you can see I’ve already downloaded it’s autoptimize

like Auto optimize but only 10 and so remember I had this huge list of problems with CSS JS just JavaScript and HTML so you going to the settings

check off optimized HTML code optimize JavaScript and optimize CSS

and then you would click save at the bottom I’ve already done that

so we have all these problems here where we have a score of a 78

now we’re back up to 82

can you see the middle by CSS and HTML are now gone all those problems have been fixed and the Minify JavaScript is now down to only four issues and it’s only a 1% reduction that you can get from its do you eliminate render-blocking JavaScript that had a huge list of things is now just down to one and so the plugin

did work light work

that’s autoptimize

using WordPress is very easy to do the same thing on any of the type of content management system or yourself to do is log in to class which we set up a little earlier in the course you’re going to go to the speed tab at the top and then just put a checkmark next to HTML CSS and JavaScript for automatically modify these for you know you don’t need the plug-in if you’re on WordPress you can actually do it through its kind of personal preference but if you’re not on WordPress this is what I have to do to Minify all these things in your code

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