okay so and he’s Bambi is a completely free and he’s been plugged in and it’s free for commercial use so I’m like the kiss meant and he’s pan plug in which is only free for personal use this one you can use on the business you can use on a commercial website any website really half a million installs FAFSA writing and it doesn’t start any use a Titus-Will complete privacy as well so has a lot of things going for it let’s set it out okay we are in our Workforce Tax Board just head over the plugins and click add new and then we’re just going to search for The Wristband hear a new phone this little be like on a nice Plan B let’s go ahead and clean the store now okay as soon as that’s done quick activate so that’s how I acted I do is click on the settings on the settings you get plenty of options but the defaults honestly I find the one thing you might look at changing is this one marked as spam do not delete you could on check that one and just have all this memo
matically deleted going down side there is it might get a few false positives with genuine messages get deleted so click that and it keeps the spam in the spam section you can review it later at your own Ledger sir I’d like to leave it like that so let’s just leave it like that but honestly that’s really all you need to do this is a way to run super super easy to set this up any time you going to get spammed on your on your contact page is really coming Spanish go find your contact page and submit you a bunch of spam in your command or they’ll go to your blog page and you’ll leave a comment section up with a bunch of advertising or whatever you don’t have to worry about that anymore with the Andes Bambi
and again it’s completely free even for commercials websites even for business websites you can still use it unlock the achievement login and there’s no need for any registration funny Freddy API key I really think this is the best free any spam plug-in so this is my recommendation and he’s Bambi shutouts to the Bucking collected for doing it’s been a really great effort by these guys just doing this for free for the WordPress community so shout out to them definitely trying them support these guys if you can nothing is an option in here where you can go ahead and support them so recommend doing that but while you while you getting established you need as many free tools as possible you just need to get some momentum behind your business and end with tools like this
it really makes it easy so I mean if it’s has been useful click subscribe because we are just going to keep putting out more videos like this to help you grow your own WordPress website with the best free and easy-to-use tools sir I hope that was helpful I’ll see you next time
once that’s done installing click on activate
Okay once activated you can head over to the entice Bambi settings here under the settings menu and you can see a new item and you right here
anti-spam bee and there really isn’t anything else to do but you do have these events in optional features and Tides Bambi comes right out of the box ready to use without any additional configurations so but you can go through these optional settings if you like otherwise there isn’t anything else to do this will automatically add any comments bam into the spam list in your comments right here
so this is a brand new boy press installation so I don’t have any comments them right at the moment but you can see here I’ll comment and then there are the spam list right here so anti-spam be will Mark any man comments and will save it under here for you to review and approve or deny or delete it and there really isn’t anything else to entice Bambi do this job quite well I recommend it is free I hope it helps so much with very be sure to subscribe to your house the webmaster for more repairs tips tricks and tutorial thanks again and happy blogging
¡Muy bueno! Es un plugin muy fácil de utilizar
Awesome Plugin! This plugin is very lightweight and does the job perfectly. So, I can say that it’s awesome! Not so hurry, but I would like if it could be tested for up to PHP 8 on near future updates!
Good protection Good protection not only against spam but also for the privacy of your readers. I use Antispam Bee on all of my WordPress sites.
Hat echt geholfen Das Plugin war kinderleicht zu installieren. Währt seit Wochen erfolgreich Spam ab. Und das alles DSGVO-Konform. Bin echt begeistert. Danke liebes Entwickler Team 🙂
Awesome app, just switched and donated! This app rules! I was using Akismet for a couple years but when doubled their price to $10/mo I scoped out other options out of curiousity.
Found Antispam Bee, tried it for a week and it works great, same as Akismet for me – it identified spam while letting real comments come in.
Getting spam every day on comments + email sucks, and the government doesn’t care so they let it happen, it’s bogus that we have to shoulder the burden and paying a monthly fee just adds salt to the wound, wasted money because of too weak spam laws. I really appreciate Antispam Bee stepping up and offering a great solution at a reasonable price.
Sent some Euros your way to show my appreciation, I hope every user sends at least a little something to compensate yall well on the work you’re doing. Cheers mates!
Just plain works! Does it’s job. Well. You can fine tune it, but out of the box it’s pretty damn good.
The best at stopping spam! This plugin is better than Akismet by a country mile!
I’ve tried almost every anti-spam plugin out there, including the freemium ones, and they don’t do as great a job as Antispam Bee. I have a busy site and get hundreds of spam comments a day, and only Antispam Bee stops them all. Other plugins prevent spam but they end up in the Spam folder so I still have to delete them. With Antispam Bee, I don’t ever see spam, they get deleted before I even see them. I also use custom patterns to stop a few spam that somehow get through.
The plugin developers are also very supportive, and went out of their way to solve my issues. Kudos to them and I hope they will continue to keep Antispam Bee free for all of us WordPress users.
Works, but causes CLS issues The plugin works well. However, it causes CLS issues on my website. The sidebar appears later than usual with this plugin activated, causing a big CLS shift.
I’ve throughoutly tested it multiple times, and it only happens when Antispam Bee is activated. Once I disabled it, that problem is gone.
But can you add a function ?
I already have comment captcha from google but some bots can pass it, so I would like to add a simple question captcha.
I want people to type for example “OK” to confirm their comment, or just check a box, but I cannot find any plugin to do it, and one more plugin just for this function is not so good.
So do you think that you could add a simple captcha ? To reduce how many bots can post comments.
Thank you so much again !
Perfect I’ve been using Antispam Bee for years now, and it’s just works. It blocks a lot of spam every day without a lot of false positives or false negative.