one of those is called the Kismet and it’s designed specifically for WordPress you’ve likely seen this before it’s one of the two default plugins when you install WordPress primarily it’s used for comment spam but it also integrates with the jetpack contact form so let’s go to our site and set this up
go to my site
and Hunter plugins you’ll likely see a Kismet already installed if you don’t you can add it by searching for a Kismet I’ll click activate
which turns it on and once you do you should see a button encouraging you to connect to the free service
I’ll click setup your Kismet accounts
you could manually sign up with an email address and get an API key which is a ton of work or since we already installed and configure jetpack we can connect by the service what does click the button
I’ll click save changes since the settings look about right
and that’s it a Kismet is set up and working on your site a Kinsman twerks aggregating data across the web and identifying potential spammers once an IP addresses identified they will block future spamming attempts
what’s so great about this solution is it doesn’t make it harder for users to fill out a form they fill it out per usual and a Kismet uses big data to fight the spammers and you should get very little spam in your inbox I use the service on my personal site and it’s very reliable just a few clicks and you should have cut your spam down by 90%
once you do that click enter it will bring up that
spam protection you’ll click install now
Daniel click activate
then we’ll bring it to this if you have jetpack you’ll see the that if not you may see something just that says manually enter an API key so that’s what we’re going to do to run a quick on manually enter now we have to get the API key so we’re going to come over here to their website right here is the URL and we are going to just do the basic plus it is either 833 * 12 if you buy it by the year or it’s $10 a month so do whichever is best for you and you’ll see that you get the Spam protection right there and you get one website and some support and API calls right so get quick on this once you click on it you’ll be taking over to this and you’ll go ahead and check out you’ll see that you can pay monthly $10 or pay by the year for $100 once you fill all of that out you will be taken to sign up complete now here are the instructions on how to do it all but I am going to show you
you in this video what I want to draw your attention to his number to it says manually enter an API key so that is going to be found in your email still from here you’ll go over to your email and you will see an email from this company that the subject says your API key once you connect the API key it will bring you to this page here and you can read through these and see what is the best fit for you so comment show the number of approved comments beside each comment author strictness silently discard the worst and most pervasive spam so I never see it I am definitely doing that privacy display a privacy notice under your comment forms so you can choose to do that or not do it then we will save changes
A must have Plugin !!! Saved me a lot of Time.
It just works It’s a lifesaver and no complexity
excellent excellentãplugin
Luar Biasa Luar Biasa
Yes this is a must! Installed on all my wordpress websites, never had problem with email spam. Highly recommended.
Fire and forget setup, near perfect Iâve had such a great experience with Akismet. There are many plugins trying to solve the spam problem, this one is the best. Iâve used this service on multiple websites and have been extremely pleased. Fire and forget setup, near perfect.
Wonderful plugin Thank you vey much for your hard work! I like Akismet very much!
Indispensable Un plugin indispensable
Changing the deal – NOT free It USED to be free. Now if you have ANY ads on your pages, they want you to pay for the plugin. You have to check a box agreeing that you don’t have ads. I thought about paying $1 but on second thought, phooey on them. That’s just cheating and it’s LOW. They can’t make enough on actual COMMERCIAL sites?
Thank you! Thank you! Very hlepful solution!