Credits :Soflyy
hi this is Trey from so fly in this video I’m going to show you how to set up an export that will automatically run everyday and export new orders from a woocommerce site

they’re going to choose woocommerce orders from the drop-down

and going to continue

here’s where you can choose the data to be included in your expert file

all these different sections have all of the available information I’m going to grab all of the order data all of the customer data

in all of the items so you can go down through here and you can either grab all the data like I was doing or you can grab the individual pieces and drag it over as well

down here you can change the setup of your file a little bit with these settings for this example we’re just going to leave everything default and continue

now here you want to select the only export orders once so if we run this export will only include records that have not been previously explored so that make sure that the next time that you run it and every time thereafter it will only export new orders let’s go ahead and give it a friendly name

oops that’s the new orders export you don’t have to but I always liked you because it makes it easier to manage in the vacuum

so go ahead and confirm and run export

let’s take a look at that file

these are the days now how do we make a automatic so if you go back to manage exports here on the right side of your export you click on scheduling

on this page you’ll find the trigger script and the processing script so to run this export once-daily you want to set up the triggers Creek URL as a Cron job to run once for 24 hours and you’ll set the execution script URL to run once per 2 minutes usually your host can help you set up a Cron job but if not you can use a service like easy crime so let’s take a look at easy crime

so here we’ll go ahead and create a new Crown job and we’ll put in the trigger script URL

says copy that over

I want this to run every day

we’ll go ahead and name this

new orders trigger

and Craig cronjob

now we want to create another Cron job for the processing URL so let’s go grab that

and copied over

and we want this to run every 2 minutes

I will name this one as well

couldn’t create the crown job and you’re all set so now that export that you set up run once-daily automatically and export new orders only now if you wanted to automatically email yourself the data from this export or uploaded to Dropbox or something else you can use our zapier integration to do that will put some links to our videos coverings a integration in the description below thank you for watching

Credits :Chris Lema
hey there today’s question is how do I export data from all the order data for Mu Commerce what’s the easiest way to get that especially if the person asking the questions started rattling off the fields that they needed to get that out of a Commerce and of course the first answer right that people know most is this particular product by sciver now if you’ve never heard of skybridge skybridge is a fantastic company that’s building a ton of code for woocommerce that will never get you in trouble it’s always clean code it’s always fast performing code you’re going to love their stuff and woocommerce customer order CSV export is what you’re looking for but it has a $79 Price Point again you can pick and you can see from here you can pick hey do you want to show everything you want to show the stuff that hasn’t been exported already right and and what do you want to do with it right so there’s a lot that goes on with this this plug-in there’s a lot you can do with it right cretan custom

formats so that you can go through in process all this it does work asynchronously so that means you’re not going to choke up your server and have your whole actually Commerce site go down in the midst of this so there’s a lot to this right and of course they have done all the work to make sure it’s compatible with tons of other plug in so you’re going to pay $79 but it’s going to be worth it if this is a key part of what you do but what if you’re not in that place what if you’re not doing thousand thousands orders what if you just need to grab every day you’re grabbing five or ten or a hundred orders out so that you can do something with it whether it’s in a great one of the system passing on to someone else reporting to someone above well you may want to look at Advance order export for woocommerce this is a free download this is over at and if you go look for advanced order export from Commerce in the search area you’ll find it and this lets you pick which feels you want to export right reorder the car

so you get it in that structure you want and then push it out the door right and of course you can get it out and see a speed but you can also do it technically in XML format if you need to pass out to someone or Jason but also just an X OS if you’re trying to look at it next time right so a lot of stuff you can do with this one to this is of a more simple version of the product and it works great if you’re not dealing with massive volumes that you’re thinking oh maybe I do need to go get the serious stuff so that’s the answer to today’s question which is what tool can I use to export data from order dated for my woocommerce store here you have to

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