Credits :Gomahamaya
hey guys in destitute we are going to learn how you can use all kinds of very direct plugins for WordPress website

Rancho on the dashboard Habra plug-in click on add new and in this area you need to type redirection and you’ll get first option with Seven Locks plus Active download click on install now and see activate 1 to plug in get activator you’ll find setting hair or they can have over to and that you can find the direction to click on setting hair a new leader tutu option Beach and Industry data clock I’ll tell you to choose for a month in the phone or fourth page also for a month and say update on gory Direction page of pages will create one phone or Facebook pages it’s actually a lot because whenever whenever, or decline come to a website and Define somnolence doesn’t work and that lot will be getting collected Harrisonville open incognito window and new commuter window and

April website named after dating website thing type something which link is not that inside of upside because of this will get one phone or four pages inside a website for bird lady she tried accessing this page but that was not present when you click on ADD redirect and I want it to d-die to the homepage as you can read I to blog like types last place you can read I to homepage only type slash you have two groups either you want to add in the modify post or do you want to add in a redirection modified post is like some links and I’m looking for some pose any mortified that so you can add inside the modified group and in case of redirection you are saying that link party has been permanently move to desporte play location to Altus permanently this link has been permanently move to homepage so I clicked redirection

play Conde direct and there you’ll find redirect option in case if you want you can edit this and disabled is too and we’ll go back to our era page

allow this is a page for which be guarded and refers to our home page and we learned how to minimize that are inside that master tool and we’ll open Google webmaster tool septum clicker Heroes scroll down and find some it is click on options click on links from and it’s like you can see go so will copy this God will open this and it will say this link is missing and it’s already has been directed to my homepage similarly can trade from her what the LSU a good thing you can create the direction by choosing links from hair and want to create the tree. I clogged the seller will move from here and now we’ll go back

and every click on Import and Export you can export all locks and everything by choosing from a sport option viewer download account viewer download option is that even you can Import phone at four locks for your website you just click on ADD file and choose a fight and you’re ready to go to ask in the comments section and don’t forget to his Escape

Credits :Michael Onofre
how to clean up your Google search counselors I’m going to show you the easy way to start clearing up those errors and it takes only a few seconds now there’s some other plug in so you can use in my opinion this is the easiest and quickest way to get them taken care of so go ahead and get logged in to your WordPress dashboard which I have right here as always go over to the plugins page and go to add new and click on it and your page will load in a second so in the search bar you going to want to type 404-2301

it should be like the first one right here go ahead and click install and activate it and then you should get this little tab right here now does give you the air logs for where you know stuff what where you got the errors from and everything and just track them for you and you can see this right here

and then we can go into and change your settings is in the settings tab right here I usually just a 3-1 redirect to my home page and you can do a custom URL you are and you can pretty much do it to wherever you want right now I’m just redirecting it to my website and then it will send me an email to one of my dummy email accounts that I have set up so if you have any questions setting this up it’s super simple literally just is I said download a plugin activate or start install activate and then go to your settings and then you can when you’re put somewhere for your referral for and stuff to get redirected to usually I just redirected to the homepage in again as they said you can redirect it to like a sales page so you can make like a new a new page and have that is like a landing page for like a product or service so you can try to you know I’ll redirect all your 404 is in the possible traffic you know so you can really kind

do you know get creative with us if you want so as always if you have any questions feel free to send me a DM send me an email telling me I suck it doesn’t really matter I hope you have a good night later guys

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