and within WordPress plugins add new upload to file
double click on the all-in-one WP security in firewall zip file
install now
click activate plug in
and now there’s a new WP security men you here so we can go right to the dashboard
okay I just so you can see on the dashboard I do not have any basic firewall settings so I’m going to click on on and it’s going to bring me to the firewall page so I can set some things up
on this page are you can enable two sections for the basic firewall settings now, it’s a good idea of course it gives you any indication here that you can back up your HCG access file cuz it is going to be modding modifying that file during this process so all you simply have to do is click on these checkboxes in order to enable this is protection now
to get an idea of what it what exactly does does just click on the more info and what does does now it says here it’s going to print protect is going to deny access from the scripts modifying the HD access file and as well as the wpi’s in the config file with Yorkie files which can affect the installation of your WordPress site so busy denying me access to those files is a good idea now of course this plug-in will still have access to those files when needed particularly HD access file and it’s also the Stables the server signature there for a proof prevents knowledge like a hacker gaining knowledge of the versions of the software is running on the server
and now so you can just check that to enable that and then this this year if you’re not using the xml-rpc functionality then you could turn this on and this could essentially protect you from denial-of-service attacks
search click on Save basic firewall settings after you check both of those
okay in a similar way you can activate the additional firewall rules and again I’m here at this is a new layer so it’s a good idea to back up the easy access while can it because some of these and actually prevent the functionality of some of your plugins and other scripts so take it back up and then you know if you’re going to turn any of these on again you can just click on the more info to learn more about them and then once you turn them on after you back up the taxes filed then you can make sure everything is still functioning as it should be on your website and then similar you can go through all the other options for for the firewall rules and just turned them on eyes as you see fit right that’s all there is to it you can
Chicopee article for more detailed information about each of these the settings is Keith lock tips and tricks h q thanks for watching
so let’s active it was dashboard
go to play games on you
in the search box type BBQ 51
how to install and activate the plugin
so now the plug-in is installed
so now let’s talk about the plug-in features this plug-in is completely free and lightweight it’s not going to have any negative impact on your website’s performance
and the next picture is that I go to settings and configuration once you install an act with a plug in it starts working in the background
so this plugin will check all incoming traffic and quietly it will block all the bad request containing nasty stuff like evil and be 64 or even excessively long listings and finally this plug-in is compatible with all the teams and hosting providers so I hope you find this video helpful and see you in the next video