the food to go ahead make sure you have the Popeye element surrounds latest version and Elemental Dragon install and activate it on your website
once you have done that open the beach we want a. M.
Now open it in using Elementary.
You will see the Baba Telugu right next to the I-10 Bridge logo click on the pop at logo and you will be destroyed with all the amazing templates I do get with the power pack a limited on now all you need to do is just use a temporary one on and click on the insert button if you want to take a good look at your temple before you add it on your page just click on the magnifying glass I can I’ll just keep on the template and you can give you or Tempe to try and if you like it just click on the inside button
you got too many different temperatures with Papa complete celebrity you get about contact FAQ section features section Gallery option pricing Services team as well as the testimony section who’s the one that you want to I just click on the inside button
do you have it daily all day just added now if you want to make any further customisations to the counting all the selling you can do that easily using the settings
let me know your thoughts on the power box templates Library Edition by commenting a thousand below and if you guys found this video useful do it with a up and please subscribe to my YouTube channel thank you for watching