select word from the options and enter your website WordPress admin URL in the redirect URI field check the token options and click on the configure button to complete the configuration
once it is done open the overview tap copy the application ID go back to embed any document settings tasted and save the settings
now you can go back to you in bed any document block and start embedding documents from your OneDrive account
when you try to access your OneDrive account for the first time from this website OneDrive will ask your permission to share the access with the app you just registered it is required to provide access and it is totally safe the plugin developers or the website you were authenticating for does not get access to your account or any data directly from your account
once the app is given permission you will be able to see the documents you have stored in your OneDrive account and you can start embedding them right away to your website
hope this is helpful for you please feel free to reach out to us for any help thank you