the key to success with our tasks in general is to imagine yourself searching for an image online would you expect to find an image in your search results if you search for it based on the tags you entered what identifying the main subject categories for an image you should only apply a subject category tag vote Yes if you are absolutely confident the tag describes the subject matter of the image don’t guess in this example we selected agriculture because the image and caption gave us sufficient context to unambiguously assert this subject category
for more information please contact us at workers at Tyga thanks for your time we look forward to hearing from you
things like your cooking activates and over here now when I click on media to go to library you’re going to see now that I have certain categories now is actually already messing up his earlier so right here you’ll see anyting but you know I can always just delete this folder right here in just make a new one so I hear I’ll just you know click on the leads and I’ll just make a new folder so right people
okay and then over here under all files it’s a very simple drag-and-drop editor so just simply take the image and then drop it in there and then again right here all files simply take it you dragon is Dragon drop I hope you get this is pretty simple to understand right and you know it’s a very simple plug in it really helps you clean stuff out because I know when you’re at your site is very large and big I mean look at this I have so many images on my website and I did not need them categorized because soon as I want to optimize it right so I was just bugging right here you can really just kind of category everything and make it really simple now they also do have a pro version but I don’t think the pro versions that needed but I will say it anyways just to help support the developer you can actually gets up to 10 Fuller’s for free with the free plug-in and quite honestly that’s a lot you know 10 folders but if you want something more you want more than 10 bullets you have a lot of images in different categories
you will need to talk to upgrade to the pro version were you gets the ability to have more folders and you also get support as you also have a free trial as well if you want to go check out the free trial you’re more than welcome to use that I personally I think I don’t really need the pro version because you know I don’t have more than 10 categories categories you might want to consider the pro version so that’s about it that’s all I want to show you off to this plug-in right there because you know I really need it you know you look at this this this is a mess and I really should I do for you let me know in the comments what you think about that plug in below and for those subscribers you know I I need some confidence to know I just you know tell me my hair looks good anyways I hope you enjoy this video my name is Gerald Wilson and I will see you all in the next video