Credits :sevenspark
everybody in this video I’m going to show you how we can quickly and easily duplicate any WordPress menu with the carbon copy menu duplicator

I already have the carbon copy menu duplicator plug-in installed and activated if you haven’t done this yet please check out the installation video first then come back to this video there two ways to initiate and then you copy we can visit the duplicator app directly by going to tools carbon copy menu duplicator

in this case were presented with a list of menus we can choose to copy we just select the menu we want and continue from there the other way to initiate a copy is from the appearance menu screen

we want to duplicate this venue called my menu so I click the coffee menu button here and this will load the duplicator app in this case too many we want two copies pre-selected in the first step in either case once we’ve selected our source menu in step one we’re showing a preview of the men you were copying on the right for visual confirmation in the second step we give our menu and name the duplicator will automatically assign it a unique Name by adding copy or copy and a number after our original menu name or we can give it any man we want as long as that menu name doesn’t already exist I’m going to call Lars my new menu

now we’re ready to go I just click Start duplication process to begin copying the menu

important to keep the window open while the process runs and will be updated along the way while the duplication occurs you’ll see the steps in order on the left side here when the duplication process is complete I’ll get a notification at the top of the screen and a preview of the duplicated menu on the right I can quickly visually scan it and confirm that it matches the original menu to the left you’ll see that each menu item now has a unique ID

so now I have two identical copies of the menu from here I can click the link to go back to the menu editor for either menu

now I’m viewing my duplicated menu and it’s exactly the same as the original and I can make as many copies as I want I want to make another copy of this menu quick Copy menu again

here’s my copy name start duplication process and now I have a third copy of the exact same and you again

and we can edit that however we like this is great for creating backups of your menus for creating a copy that you want to use for a mobile menu for just experimenting with new settings potentially blowing up your original menu so it’s got all sorts of great use cases to really make your your workflow a lot easier and and not having to start from scratch every time you want to build a new menu hope you guys find that you so let’s the carbon copy menu duplicator from Seven sparked available on seven thank God

hi guys it’s Marty here from let’s build and in this quick video we’re going to be covering how to duplicate WordPress menus which is great for when we want the experiment with different menu layouts or if we need a similar man you the one we already have this will save us having to rebuild it again from scratch so if you’re ready to get started this is how to duplicate menus on WordPress

okay so did you pick a two-word Pressman you we just need to install and activate a free plug-in so the first thing we’re going to do is visit our sites dashboard hopping over plugins on the left and click add new

then we’re going to type the words duplicate menu into the search bar in the top right

and then install and activate the BCM duplicate menu plugin

once it’s active on our site we just need to hover over the appearance on the left and click menus then here we can choose the man you were wanting to duplicate using this drop down list and then click select

or if we only have one man you it’ll already be selected a know if we look on the right will see it now says duplicate man you beside the Sea of button and all we need to do is click this button to duplicate our menu

when we do this we’ll see the man you need him now he says the word copy after it and brackets and this is us now and then you copied version of our menu and if we want to go back to the original version will see it now appears in the drop-down list of the top

no I we can change the name of our copied man you if we like

Annie Kenny edits were wanting to make

then we just need to click Steve menu on the right and we’re done now I we can uninstall the plug-in again if we like without affecting our new menus or we can keep it installed on our site to use again so that’s a snow at the end and that was hard to duplicate man use on WordPress I hope you find this video helpful and if you did please be sure to give it a like you’re on YouTube to show your support and subscribe to the channel for more WordPress tutorials in future and if you want to see some other stuff we can do with WordPress man you click the link on screen not the check out the rest of this series once again my name is Marty from let’s build and thank you very much for watching my video

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