username and password and after that you can actually check out outcomes of services and wants you to see him that you can check mark on this box and click on upgrade now once you click on a great now that will take you to our payment page
I want you to process the payment the next thing to do is to collect the license key from a website and to do that first let us go to our website
no that’s Rick so once we are on the website first let me remind you that when you actually purchased the plug-in just before that you open an ID on a website using a username and a password so right now once you go to a website when you open your mouth over here if it doesn’t say log out in his login and click on log in and then login using your username and password that you assigned there or else just click on account and this will take you to this page so right here you can see this is the purchase history that gives the date the amount that I spent and it can give me more details about my downloads and show me how many licenses I bought if I click on this tab I can actually copy the license key from here if I go to download I can download the latest version of the probe login so I just clicked on it to download the floor plug in that once I’ve done that once I’ve collected the license and
I just go to back and go back to my dashboard and I need to install the pro plug in so just add new and upload the plug in writing so this is the one that I downloaded so I’ll just upload that
and install
so motherfuking is getting installed its installed nayfack they can activate the plug in the Pro plug in will be activated on my website
CSS plugin activated no one to go to product feed you can see there’s a new tab come license when you click on that this will take you to the license key page and hit it between put the license that you copied from your account on the website of so you pasted are activated license
and what’s the license is active Pick’n Save changes so once this is done now you can see that you are a pro features have been activated if you go to to see that you click on March the can now that you turn on extra Merchants you go to controls you can turn on adding Lowe’s custom Fields if you want so that’s it that’s how you agree to grow