we start this process on the Google Cloud platform site to find the link to this in the description below this video
before we start we have to create a new project by taking the new project button you can pick a name of the choosing I’ll call mine if demo and then I’d create
now the next step we can choose from Google small selection of apis and pick the ones we need for a project to find out which apis do you need you can take a look at the pain documentation for this example I used to store locator plug-in but you might find this tutorial useful for other of applicants as well in this case please make sure you took a look at the documentation first before you follow along because different apis could be required for other plants
on the documentation sites you can take a look at the Google Map API Keys menu item and if we scroll down a bit you find all the apis you need in order to get this plug-in going
I start with the geocoding API
back in the cloud console we can now at the respective apis to a project make sure your project is still selected and simply input the API names in the search bar at the very top
I start with the geocoding API pick the right one from the selection
and then I enable it
I know simply repeat this process for every single API the documentation tells us by copying it pasting it in here and enabling them one by one
now that I’m done with that I can go ahead and generate the actual API key you know what to do so I can click on the top left menu apis and services and credentials
on this side we can click on create credentials at the top and pick API key now the keys generated and I know this is what you came here for but please stick around for another minute so we can restrict the key in order to make it a bit more secure
let’s click unrestrict key and now we can pick HTTP referrals or websites by adding a domain name in here you can make sure the API key can only be used on this domain
after looking at a weekly column done and then safe
and this is it you can now copy udipi key to your clipboard switch over to your WordPress site and inserted in the field of your youth plugin
if this video was helpful to you please leave a comment or like down below and I’ll see you next time