Credits :Houdyk
I installed after their first was resting and

so what are we

Iran this installation

appearance menu

CRS my menu set up already. Menu and then you are

we’re in Memphis location

diesel only the primary menu menu

so the last one that I had to do was and

yeah I didn’t do this

menu selection Bingo installation for

English and Spanish language and the mobile


tell you at the moment

hey there welcome to wpbeginner and this video I want to walk you through how you can create a mobile ready responsive WordPress menu to get that on your side let’s go to our WordPress dashboard will be installing a plugin so we’ll head over to plugins add new we’re looking for the responsive menu plugin and I guess you like the what they call is a hamburger style menu so we’ll install that

and we need to activate it

once it’s activated you’ll see a new menu item over here and you can go in and set it up the break point that means how small does the screen size need to get before it starts using this 1 800 is pretty good it’s usually for a tablet or smaller and the menu to use it for we have all pages that’s our default menu for the site and then you can add some CSS if you want so I’m happy with that so quick update schedule the front of our site to show you what it looks like right since our site is on a full-screen we are seeing the full menu up here but let’s see what it will look like a shrink it

so when you shrink it you nasty the responsive menu here and I can go through and pick the page that I want from there now the other one I want to show you is different style of menu called the response of drop-down menu and I’ll be a little bit different so I’m going to remove this one

and I want to add a new plug-in called responses select menu this is the one we want so we’ll install that one

and activated and now when we go to our site instead of the little hamburger icon we have this truck down to check out a couple more Advanced Techniques go to our article see how you can add the title if I free menu and a slide in Mobile menu in WordPress we’d love to hear from you

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