call perf matters improved matters with a lot more than this but this is just one small feature in here I have this plug-in watch let me just show you the purse matters plug in there it is let’s open the settings for that
and as you can see lots of pictures here but the one we want to look at is the changelog in your route so let’s pick something let’s say something like Tony Dash login you can pick whatever you want we’ll save those changes and now when we log out of our website or admin dashboard if it go just to the homepage here and let’s try the same side of your house so if you go to slash login right that is not going to work if you go to slash admin that is not going to work if you go to / wp-admin
that will not work and if you go to slash wp-login.php that won’t work either the only thing that will work is Tony long in the customer all that we chose and I’ll take a store login page we can go ahead and log in and we are back to a reverse admin dashboard guys have any questions about this let me know in the comments below I’ll do my best to help you out there is like I said a lot of other features for Perth matters which you should I definitely check out especially if you’re interested in speeding up your WordPress website make it load faster I’m so check some of those videos out over here and you guys were watching I’ll see you in the next video
I talked to each other and it’s just crazy so right here to go to type in w p s
i get it on my YouTube channel to people like comments and then they’ll have out there buddy comments and then like they’re all like that and I’m like you guys are crazy dude Hyatt login that’s the plug-in that you need go ahead and activate it
we post our is but one thing I’ll check that later alright and what you guys actually activate the plug-in you can go to generate here under settings
scroll down scroll down and right here you can change it so I’m going to put something like Dota 2 Dota 2
and go to save changes
now go ahead and log out to give you guys an example
so this is the website
now if I type in dash wp-admin you’re going to see this has been disabled so it’s an error so it’s like saying no just doesn’t work because you don’t want people to even have the chance to guess your username and password which you know it happens all the time like that quite often if I type in Dota 2 I can enter now you can see I have the chance to enter my credentials in snow right here and go to login
and then Bala at again once you know once you actually login it’ll change the wp-admin but no one will have access to that except for you know when you’re doing back and stuff but the Premier League is changed so I highly recommend you guys you know having a second layer of protection on your website is worth it if I should all these crazy people out there doing all this weird stuff like I do know I have it on my website so it’s it’s you should get it you know just try it out and I’ll let me know how it is and also with you guys run across any other plug in the comments I’m always interested to look at other plugins cuz there’s so go ahead and let me know in the comments guys hope this was helpful make sure to like this video show your friend show your mom I’ll see you guys all later
Does the work Very light plugin which does the job and which doesn’t need to be updated very often as it is a simple functionality
Simple, useful, great What a coll simple little plugin
Prevents brute force attacks Prevents brute force attacks. Thank you!
Still perfect. I have been using this plugin for over 5 years now. Even though it has not been updated in over 3 years, it still works like a charm.
Using it on a MultiSite installation with subdomains and domain mapping. Never had any problems, warnings or errors whatsoever. 😀
Working for me Great- as before maybe any update might remove the message that this isn’t fully tested with latest wordpress.
I’m liking this plugin to stop/discourage the bot brute force attempts. Lets see if they can find or guess the url.
WordPress should have this as part of its core Great plugin. The best in what it does.
Excellent! It is easy to install and set up, and it is useful.
Any update would be appreciate Hello
Thanks for all your contributions to WordPress community.
We are used to recommend your plugin to our customers, but they are scared about the warning (2 years since last update) showed at the detail page.
Any cosmetic update would be appreciate, just to restart the counter ð
It will benefit also to the ranking of the plugin in WP search engine.
Thanks again !
Great and FAST Work 100%, Easy to use and very very very fast