today I’ll show you how to add social media icons to your WordPress menu area this is perfect if you have social media profiles that you want to showcase to your visitors so if you’re ready let’s dive in the easiest way to get to start it is by installing a plugin called the menu image plug-in so head over to your plugins area and go to at new and from here who want to search for menu image plug-in is the one we’re looking for has go ahead and install it and activate the plug-in as well you can choose to be on their email list or just skip these are the general options that you want to set up you can change the menu size or just leave the default you can also choose whether or not to enable an image on Hover but you’re finish the focus to save changes and then we can create a new menu for go to appearance men use everyone to give it a name is called social

and that’s a great menu to create links to my social media profiles open up the custom links cuz that’s what we want to add and you just want to add all of the social media links that you want to add friends since I’ll add a lad wpbeginner Twitter profile and a few others make sure you save the menu and then once you do you can come over here and you can have her over menu image when you click on that it’ll open this up and you can choose how you want this all to look if you have an image that you want to show already you can set the image and you can upload the image here or if you want to use their icons and you can click on icon and they have a few icons that you can choose from or if you want to use the font awesome you want to install the font awesome plug-in find the icon that you want to use you noticed that you also have a title position so we see a preview that I have my iPhone but also I have the title over here you can choose where to put this because we want to keep this nice

and clean going to hide the title position so then they’re only see my Twitter icon for that one and then you can do the same thing or each of your other items I’ll do that same thing for Facebook and Instagram we want to go ahead and save menu and then we also want to decide where to put it under manage locations where do we want this one to be a social changes and your menu special manage locations area will be different depending on your theme so then we can see what it looks like and since this is the default or 15 that I’m using you see my mini structure here and then if you wanted to put your social media icons in a sidebar or your foot or widget area then you can do that as well so what you could do is go to appearance go to widgets and then choose where you want these social media to go so far since I have a footer widget area I can click on the plus block search for

navigation menu left click and drags us up here and I can give it a title and select the men you updated and now when I go and look at my site in the area I’ll see that I have uses for witches are you here then if you want to add a search area to your menu area then check out this video next as I want to do step by step on how to add a search bar in your WordPress menu and I’ll see you over there

in this video I walk you through how you can add social media icons to your WordPress menus this is a super easy way to get the social media icons up in your menu area so let’s dive in so much your WordPress dashboard from here we’re going to go to our plug in this area let’s click add new we’re looking for menu image this is the way we want so let’s go ahead and install now make sure you stick around so that you can also activate the plug-in once activated will take you over to the image area at the menu image area and we don’t need to make any changes here let’s just go ahead and create our first menu

trying to go to appearance menus and since we’re creating social media menu I’m going to create a new one so I’m going to click on create new simply going to call it social media and click create menu from here you want to add your custom link so it’s click on the custom link stabbed and you want to add to your house this is where you want to grab all of the social media link or your profile for your business I’ve just added a few or wpbeginner in a notepad so I’m going to add these here and then make sure you fill out the link text area as well and then once you fill those out click admin you keep doing that for all the ones that you want to add to your social media menu okay now I’ve added all of them and what we can do is now though in to expand each one by clicking on the little drop-down next to the menu item and we want to set an image this isn’t normally on here but with the plug in and you’ll see that so

how to set the image for this and you’ll want to upload icons that you found a ready for the ones that you want to use and you can take a look at our social media icons set article in the description below to find some royalty free icons so once you find the icons that you want to use go ahead and

click the image and then you’ll want to upload the files so go ahead and click upload find the icons that we downloaded and I’m going to go ahead and choose all of the icons right now he want to do it for set on heavier than you can do that as well but that’s what I’m going to just leave it for that one cuz I don’t have enough icons for both and then you want to choose the menu size this will be specific to your theme on which one looks best but for right now we’re going to use the 36 by 36 and then you can also choose the title position all this means is the navigation label you want to say where you wanted to go

or if you want to hide it all together so I’m going to do it for that one and I believe I uploaded 14 Pinterest so I’m going to set the image for Pinterest as well

like that and we’re going to hide it by default and I do the same for YouTube

selected hide it and see if we have 14 Instagram I think it was an older one but we’ll just do this one just for show

enemies as well you want to make sure that they’re hidden

and we’re going to put on primary and then let’s save menu

now when you go to your site and you click on it then you see this is our menu area up at the top so that’s an easy way to set social media icons free memnu and thanks for watching did you learn something from today’s video If so subscribe to our YouTube channel and will send more helpful tips to help you manage your WordPress website and thanks for watching

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