they come in here and go to tools
Daiso right here at the stop I can see that this page has had Point 33 seconds of queries if I go visit around my sight I am seeing in this box right here how Corey monitor works so Corey monitor is useful primarily if a plug-in or something about your theme is doing a lot of work you’ll notice as I click around this site that we get on this recommended products page a slightly slower result so that’s an example of a place where cream under is alerting us to this page could be slow this one was even slower what’s going on here well that is what you use for a monitor to dive into so if I look at the slow Corey’s here again if you do not speak asked you out this will just look like gibberish to you but I can see that WordPress is using these different functions to get different values on this page and that
some of these queries are actively what cream under considered slow so these are ones that took a while you can see one of these took a half second and it was looking up the easy option settings well building this page honestly a half second isn’t too bad but a load time of 3 seconds is kind of bad
in this case I think I’m just dealing with a nun cached page and as I click around you’ll notice these Pages get faster sobre monitor is used to debug which queries that WordPress runs in the background get slow and if you are in the business of optimizing WordPress sites this is so crucial especially if you’re optimizing the server side part of it but for most of us most of the time this is vastly overkill so I just want you to know that Corey monitor is a great replugging if you ever want to do bugs some slow queries on a WordPress site but that you probably don’t need to use it unless you’re like I think I’ve smoked worries on this WordPress site
kowari monitor
but if I wait a minute
and then over here to query monitor I click install now it’s about 5 days ago and he wants tomorrow probably 6 days ago
and then I get to activate
and we activated you’ll see in your top bar over here how fast this page is this page over here will load in 60 seconds but how fast will my homepage load so I think I’m over here to go to the homepage and ladies and gentlemen it is loading in point 57 seconds which is quite nice 32GB I think is is amazing and if you hover over here you can see if he thinks deprecated queries
did they look at all this information to the for me the most important thing is that I don’t have to go to the same website speed test to go outside again if I change something so what I can do know if I click on a mentor and I think you know what this backgrounds that’s have an overlay
what an image
this one like that’s and I want to have a blend mode like that changes he just failed to make it blurry a bit
Apple’s death
and now if I go to the homepage
it’s a little bit slower so you see that images can make your website slower but if I was at a lot of stuff over here I can see that the base baseball degree so that’s how we can work and is amazing tool to help you to optimize our website it doesn’t know more about the website website optimization it speed of stuff you can go to the link over here or go to the link in the description I hope you have a great day and you will see me in his new video If you subscribe to my YouTube channel
and let’s talk about that
mega store for you if I should believe the psychology behind this if I get something for free to you you are somehow without knowing it’s your subconscious thinking hey I want to do something back so I’m in a good spot over here so if I asked you to subscribe that can be for you the way to subscribe to my YouTube channel because you’re already thinking I hate something for me what can I do back if you’re already subscribed and you can unsubscribe driving and have This Feeling Again by by
Essential for debugging This tool is essential for debugging and so useful! Thank you!
Amazing What a great tool. Been struggling all day with a client site and could not work out why it was so slow. After 5 hours of tweaking and changing i saw Query Monitor mentioned in Dr Google. Installed it and after a couple of minutes of working through how Query Monitor worked i was able to identify the problems. Thank you you saved a site from a 51 second page load down to .4 to .6 seconds.
Awesome plugin No words, awesome plugin
Great in Debugging This plugin is just Great in Debugging and find out what is Slowing down your WebSite!
Many Thanks! 🙂
A life saver! Thanks a lot for this wonderful tool. It has helped me on several occasions for debugging and optimizing the WP performance.
A must-have tool for devs.
Activated and saw pages load 30 seconds longer grrrr!!! The QM stats monitor shows sub second query, and request times. But just by activating the plug in our page loads went up an astronomical 30 seconds.
Deactivate it, hey it went back to its normal self at around 0.5 seconds. That is really what I can ask for.
This plugin is rubbish. If you want to try it, please time your page load before and after enabling it.
This would be a -10 if I could rate it that way.
Incredibly useful for debugging An essential tool for WP development and performance optimization. Highly recommended.
The most useful plugin for debugging Been using it on tons of sites. Always very helpful to get a clear picture of what’s causing trouble. I’d suggest deactivating and delete it after use, as it does add a bit to the page load when enabled. No need to keep it when debugging is done.
Perfect plugin Perfect plugin, thank you
Awesome Very useful plugin