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why is the US flag reversed on army uniforms

the flag of the United States of America has many rules and etiquette and how it should be displayed on modern US army uniforms soldiers where the u.s. flag patch reversed but why is this 2003 the uniform regulation was updated according to the Army regulation 670-1 wear an appearance of arm uniforms and Insignia when the American flag patch is to be worn right or left shoulder the Starfield needs to be faced forward for more technically assaulting forward the term adopted by combat troops when worn in this manner the flag has the effect of flying in the breeze as the where are moves forward but having the Bluefield and white stars assaulting forward it symbolizes going into battle if it’s the other way around it would symbolize Retreat this goes back to me earlier days of the US Army when can I bring an infantry would have a standard-bearer who carried the flag into battle the Canton of the flag the blue and white stars were mounted closest to the pole to as the standard-bearer charged into battle the plywood fly

in the breeze in this way this is replicated as a reverse side flag patch for the modern-day soldiers right shoulder sleeve the reverse flag also applies to the right side of vehicles including aircraft in space shuttles interesting week during World War II patch was worn specifically by u.s. paratrooper is to identify them because paratroopers were dropped Behind Enemy Lines being mistaken for enemy soldiers as a permanent part of the US Army uniform is a recent thing only becoming a mandatory uniform components all times in 2005 before this it was required only during joint Duty and Multinational deployments

as such bright colors make the soldier more of a target for subdued version of a flag patches now worn while deployed or in a field environment to fit in with the camouflage uniform

the u.s. flag patch was designed to convey the right symbolism and you can get the right design and look you want for your website with Wix with over 500 tablets and also solutions for e-commerce music hotels events restaurants and more creative professional site regardless of your skill level and support the channel by going to go / simple history or simply click the link in the description below

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