by default when you add new post those are at the tops of the order is based on date with the newest the top and scroll down you going to older posts and the same thing when I go to a specific category it will show the Post-it of an added most recently first and then in the scroll down it shows the older and older post that’s great and all but sometimes I have more at customisation I want certain post to show at the top and so to do this we can get a plug-in plugins and add new

engineer when principal custom post order

install it


and this will allow us to put the post in any order we want so it doesn’t just have to be by date with the newest coming first friend since you know maybe I have a big guy that I put a lot more energy into than some of these videos and so I can manually make this appear at the top

so now that it’s activated I’m going to go to settings and then SCP order

simple custom post order and I can check what I want to be sorted and I really needed the post on the post update

now when I go to post

I’ll post I can you can see my cursor is now has this drag icon so I can click and drag them to be in whatever order a so I’d say this I want at the top

I want

this article near the top as well the big guides Mercedes are the ones that I want near the top to say I put the most time and effort into those and they’re probably going to be the most helpful so I won’t be able to see them right away

I do web hosting

okay so I reordered it and I don’t have to get saved or anything it just automatically updates as I drag it so now if I come back to my vlog

Stu class blog just go to the home page you can see it’s an order that I put it in with the domains in the guide the host and then the stretching so you can see it’s in the exact order that I put it in

and in addition if I go to categories

now the categories use disorder as well so before this was at the bottom cuz it was old list amongst the domains are those the articles in the domain category but now since I have moved it up here in order now it appears before these other articles that are in domains because of the the plug in the order that we put it in the plug in

Credits :Mark Nordeen
hi this is Mark from Oak Hill Web Design Oak Hill

in this video we’re going to take a look at a WordPress plugin called Simple custom post order and this plug-in allows you to sort Pulsar order pulse by just using drag-and-drop

and sometimes I can come in really handy and I’m doing a site right now that’s in development where that did come in very handy and take a look at the site this particular company has a number of facilities so when I did is I created an individual post for each of their facilities

and then I got post categories that place those posts into their appropriate category for Princeton cease of the Seahawks CBRF and we’ve got adult family homes and whatnot and so what I wanted to be able to do is sort those post and on the words their facilities alphabetically and you’ll see that I’ve got black bear 1st and Aspen 2nd and clover and Elm so I’ve got just one out of order here the black bear should be 2nd and Aspen should be on top

so well let’s take a look at how we can correct that I’m going to go to my dashboard I’m already logged into the back end here

and well it should take a look at plugins quickly and will notice that these simple custom post order plug-in is installed and activated so now I’m going to go ahead and in view my post

and this shows are all the posts me and all the categories right now but I’m just interested in that adult family homes so I’m just going to go ahead and filter by that so I’m just seeing the adult family homes category

and just like out on the website like a black bear first and then Aspen second so all I have to do is hold my cursor right about him here click on that and drag it you notice I can drop it wherever I want but I’m going to drop it right after Aspen so then it’s now sorted alphabetically a b c e g let’s go out to the side and refresh

and now the site reflects that same order ass than black bear clover

so it really is that simple it’s a plug-in that allows you to sort your posts however you want just by dragging and dropping them

and the name of that plug it is simple custom post order

all right well this is Mark from Oak Hill web design and thanks for watching

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