everyone Johnny from WP Johnny there and I’m going to show you the quick set-up guide for lights be tax plugin for WordPress so first let’s and able to plug in

and we’ll go here and setting screen General tab

they should be enabled and there should be any messages saying that you don’t have Lightspeed server install sometimes this is on I always turn this off and it’s fine just like that

okay. I leave us alone xclusive I might exclude any URLs that have formed a contact page or form just go ahead and put the the last part of your page URL in here

okay optimize I like to have all of these off

including this one this is fine this doesn’t do anything if this is off I leave this off and I usually leave this on

okay and then for tuning

combine Jared it really doesn’t do anything

this is totally fine if you don’t want to mojis to you can just say what their I like lazy load images off lazyload iframes on all that’s fine

CBN enable your CD and here to give cloudflare go to the bottom and they will put in the information there

by the way if you if you’re not on light speed server you can use their quick Cloud API that’s really cool

you sorry I don’t miss that most people don’t have to do that I’ll get cash I leave this off unless your eyesight is crunching a ton of numbers then you can turn it on browser cache should stay on and if you turn it on and you will first off you can win turn it on if you have meant a score Reddit and if you do have both redis is the better one

but in most cases office find a bug we don’t mess with crawler we don’t mess with unless you do have a crawler and your server if you do have a call on your server and it’s your PPS over I highly recommend that you boost us up to the two or three basically the max number of course that you have threads on you can increase this 26 interval between crawl and roll 300 300,000 s it’s actually 84 hours so I like to do something like

32000. Set every 8 hours and if you do 16 that’s every 4 hours so I like to do something like that go to do here and take off

and that’s it those are my favorite settings that my favorite safe settings and then from there if you want to go a little more aggressive you can speak a little more that’s it thanks for watching

hi everyone my name is Casey and this video is about how to check if late fee cash is enabled on your server and the quick Cloud Server

let’s get started with checking your own server

first open your browser and go to menu tools developer tools

make sure you’re in the network tab

click the box to disable the browser cache this makes it so each request will visit the server

go to website

you’ll see it shows cash missed you when you refresh it it should show cash hit if late fee cash is enabled

so let’s check if late fee cash is enabled on the quick Cloud Server next

first make sure you have Dynamic and static cash enabled in your quick. Cloud CD on setting

then go to your browser and famous before go to menu more tools developer tools

make sure you’re on the network Tab and click the box to disable cash

now go to a website and you’ll see Quick Cash Miss

this indicates the status of the cash

this indicates the CD and noted that the website is being served from continent country and city name

on refresh you’ll see cash hit if cash is enabled on the quick Cloud Server

if you believe you should see a cash hit after refresh but you see a cash Miss please let us know

and that’s it it this video helps you make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel thank you so much for watching and have a great day

hi everyone this is John Paul from inmotion hosting and thank you for joining us for another video in our WordPress Series today I’m going to show you how to use Lightspeed cash for WordPress you will need a quick. Cloud account to complete this guy

start by logging into your WordPress dashboard

click plugins than add new

search for the lightspeed cash plug in and install an activated

now that it’s installed and activated let’s click Lightspeed cash then General in your WordPress dashboard

click the request domain key button

refresh the page and you’ll see the domain key has been filled in

Click the visit my dashboard on quick. Cloud link

now we’re going to log into our quick. Cloud account

now let’s go back to your WordPress dashboard and to your shared IP address in the server IP field

then click save changes

now we’re going to turn the cash and features on if they aren’t already activated click Lightspeed cash then cash in your WordPress dashboard menu

make sure the enable cash option is set to on

you could also go through the available tabs for more specific settings

click save changes

if you want to erase or Purge all of your cash click Lightspeed cash then toolbox in your dashboard menu Click The Purge all button

the crawler tool reviews your site for old content and updates the existing cash you can perform a manual crawl by clicking lights be cash then crawler

and clicking the manually run button

to set up an automatic crawl click the general settings tab

switch the crawler option to on

then click the save changes button now and someone visits your site they should be served a cached version of your content this should result in a faster website experience

thank you for joining us for another video in our WordPress series check out our work best education channel for more helpful tutorials and feel free to like this video or comment below and let us know what you think

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