hey there thanks for watching wpbeginner today you learned how to hide a necessary items from WordPress admin with Ed minimize if you have a multi-author WordPress site or site for clients then you might want to simplify the admin area for them by hiding things they don’t need to do it with Ed minimize you can create different interfaces based on rules and capabilities for your sight will go to settings and minimize to configure the admin bar on for all your users you can see how each option correlates with the bar like the WT Lego is this year and these items are the items under the Loco so you can check deactivate for any or all of your users back in options allows you to set Global options for everyone Global options let you deactivate certain areas for specific user roles the menus option or all of these items over here in the admin area and I can configure for different roles here I can change

all the first items that are seeing I can deactivate any them for user role play with the page same as Link Stop shins with widgets I can deactivate any widgets for any user role and they won’t be able to see them are you sent same with an app menu option it hides different selections to use in the menu and the set themed allows you to set the theme admin color for each of your users down here we can import or export all the settings that we just said to use on other sites if you ever want to stop using this it’s a good idea to deinstall options first to safely reset your database just deleting the plugin cannot reset everything I hope you like this video and found it helpful click on the like button below and leave us a comment if you want to receive more helpful videos don’t forget to subscribe to our channel wpbeginner.com for more useful information on WordPress

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