hello my name’s Rob Luther and today we’re going to go over the simple 301 redirect plugin for WordPress and 301 bulk redirect uploader for the simple 301 redirect plugin for 301 redirect is it away to tell users and search engines not tell them but actually send them from an old page that no longer exist to the correct improper page that they should be going to

the real quick is an example I can type in this let’s go this is bad

and I say I want to redirect back to the homepage

save changes

and if I come to the site

and I type in this is bad it will redirect me to the homepage

and this is a great tool for search engine optimization and also usability

now three simple 31 redirect plugin is nice because it’s really easy to do just put in the old URL put in the new URL you can use wildcards documentation how to use wildcards right here the only problem is if you have 1,000 URLs it’s going to get really cumbersome to do

so that’s why we have the 301 redirect the bulk redirect uploader

you can download a sample CSV file here and basically what that is is a list that has the old URL and then you are all space and all your old URL smack them up to the new URLs when you’re done save it choose file and you can upload it you can also export your 301 redirect you currently have in simple 300 RX so if you want to export them edit them and you can upload them again to make sure you clear them

but just keep in mind when you clear them it’s done you can’t undo it so if you’re going to clear make sure you get it back up before you do it just in case you choose file select your file hit upload free one Reader X you are not

okay today we are going to review the simple 301 redirect WordPress plugin made by Scott nail.com this is a super simple plug-in as it says in the name simple simple 301 redirect or 301 redirect plugin in general are great if you ever need to change a permanent structure if you’re moving from one you are out to another word for whatever reason you’re dumb and you’re no command structure just isn’t lighting up the same as it used to be or if you’re getting rid of a page and you still want that URL to to you know land on something instead of a 404 page lots and lots of reasons why you might want to set up some 301 redirect they are super handy and this plug-in is a fantastic way to get them accomplished when I show you guys how to log how to use the setup and use to plug in here in just a little sick and just a second but what I can tell you is it’s been downloaded over 9,000 times I’ve personally use it on at least 20 website I think it’s I think it’s

highly recommend it there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it it is very very simple it does exactly what it says nothing more and I think that it has pretty low overhead so I do recommend you get it I’m going to go ahead and show me how to install it right now okay so to install simple 301 redirect what you’re going to do is you’re going to log into your WordPress site or going to click on plug-ins and then add new

the search for a three-minute search for 301 redirect

then I’m going to find simple 301 redirects and click install now you can see this has five stars is fantastic I’m go ahead and say Okay click on activate the plugin

and you are installed now it does set up a admin tab under settings 301 Reader X and it’s super simple all you have to do this will be empty by default you have to do is put in the page that you want to the old page name basically and then put in the new page name and it’s going to forward this one to that one okay let’s say for example that I used to have a page that I just deleted on my cycle WordPress guides.com YouTube / right

well because I deleted that page will because I change my primary structure family structure for whatever reason that is no longer showing it’s going to go to a 404 page like it is so here’s what you do you

you pasted in the old URL just like that and you find a page that you want to forward it to you in this case and some pick one here

WordPress Dash tips that newsletter and type and repressed Dash tips that newsletter and click save changes okay so now when I come back to work Brisk iced tea house like YouTube and refresh you can see now it successfully resolved as to 301 redirect works at highly useful highly recommended get it now simple 301 redirect thanks

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