we are very excited about the latest feature within Brizzy and we bring it with you in partnership with short pixel which is famous for image optimization now the question you may have is why do I need image optimization and of course the easy answer is it will improve your loading times with Wolves a threat ACL ratings on browsers but what is important to understand is that busy does images differently so let’s go to our media folder and click on library and I will explain a little bit you what’s going on here let me just put this in the grid View

what you see here are images in my media library folder what Brizzy does is that whenever you use an image on a page we make a copy of that in a breezy folder in fact all together six copies we make a copy. Tablet and phone and then we make a copy of those for rating at this place during total 6 images only those that you use on the page will be copied into the brisbee folder the ones you don’t use won’t be coming so the normal image optimization plugins won’t affect those images because the folder we use will use the original image so how can you optimize it well now you can make sure that when you go to plug ins install plug-ins that you’re free version of Brazil is at one point zero point 75 or higher I’m already here at 1.0.7 6 the latest update for Brizzy free

go to the Wood Place dashboard panel on the left over over busy and now you will see this option here optimize images it’s beautifully integrated and all you need to do is click on it you will need though in a Bianchi from shortpixel anyway do you get that now you hop on over to short pixels website here you can choose pricing and not everything in life is for free or wait no 100 images per month is for free you can test drive it with these hundred images by opening an account and then go to admin and find your API key over here copy your API key

go back into Brizzy go to settings

paste your API key

and then choose one of the compression settings lost means the most compression you will save more space but you images may not look good boss this is the other side of the pole the images will look extremely good like the original but you will have very little compression glossy is Midway so we go for glossy we choose safe

settings saved and now when you go to optimize you will see the option to optimize the images we can optimize images

and you just let it run if you’ve got a hundred or Plus or even more you can take a break go make yourself a cup of coffee and come back later and if the process gets interrupted you can continue again later show a picture will remember those images that you’ve already optimized and those you haven’t if you would like to know more about this great partnership please go to our website at Brady. Scroll down to the bottom where you see her blog and you can read more about how we are bringing this optimization to you with short picture

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