Credits :Juri Fab
okay guys so if you are working with what price probably you do not like this you update what they provide Gutenberg so is it going to show you quickly how to disable Gutenberg WordPress what you need to do is go to quick on your report resident portal
login and steering future two can see that he requests schedule so you simply need to install it
stolid and activate
so after that one of you will go to pages
Section 8 new page for example you can see what the heck in Arvada and now I can simply dark editing find website is usually as was before update video of help you and make sure to check links but I’m putting in the description below have a nice day
It Just Works! I’ve been using the “Classic Editor” plugin since Gutenberg reared its ugly head, but with the new block widgets (who thought this was a good idea????) it wasn’t doing the trick anymore. I was a little leery because “Disable Gutenberg” hadn’t been updated in 5 months, but installed it anyway. Clicked the box to disable those stupid block widgets and all is well. I love a plugin that just does what it says it does, don’t you?
Thank Goodness! Easy and recommending! Our clients have been so out of the sort when widgets changed. This was the perfect solution! Thank you so much for this plugin and for making it simple!
Best TY Thank you, Gutenberg or Gu.. ano 😉
I hate when someone forces me to anything.
Thank you Jeff! Thank you Jeff, exactly what I needed. May the force be with you, always.
A must have plugin I really love this plugin as I missed the old editor. I don’t like the new Gutenberg editor and I don’t think I’ll ever make friends with it.
Therefore I was looking for something that can get rid of it in a sustainable and forward-compatible manner and I think I have found it. 🙂
Super I can’t work without this plugin. Thank you!!
Excellent — Restores Original Widgets Perfection!
Thank you For Disable Widget Blocks! Thank you For Disable Widget Blocks!.
THANK YOU!!!!!! Gutenberg blocks destroyed every menu anchor and widget on my site. This saved the day. I hate Gutenberg it completely dumbs down everything I like about WordPress.
This was a real lifesaver. I beg you WordPress please stop with the blocks. I call then Blockheads! they certainly make you feel like one.
To the developer please keep this plugin up to date and if you need donations I don’t have much but I will donate to you for this awesome service.
I thought I was going to have figure out to fix 20 widgets and all the code in them.
Thank you Thank you Jeff for such AWESOME solution!