this will bring us to the page we can edit the video details about that video we need to do now is for all the way to the bottom
until you see comments and ratings under that there should be a drop-down for Comet visibility do you want to disable your comments I’m sure in the drop-down you select disable comments if you want to enable your comments you have three options you can either allow all comments you can hold potentially inappropriate comments 4 review work you can actually go in and review them or all comments will be held for review I like to have hold potential inappropriate comments for review Once you change your comment visibility disabled or turned it on go ahead up to the top and Save
and then when you view the video
your settings will be changed accordingly not to turn off comments on your YouTube videos using the YouTube studio app on your iPhone or Android phone first open up the YouTube studio app then is selective the menu button in the top left which of the three horizontal lines in the menu selected videos now just find the video that you want to turn off the comments were so I’ll just select one
and then in the top right select the little pencil marker to edit the video at the top you should see two different tabs ones with a pencil and then one with a gear in a box select the gear in the Box to move over to the advanced settings for your video now all we need to do is find the comments section and then write under that you should see allow comments go ahead and turn that off and then select save in the top right and then you will have disabled comments on that video right so that’s how you disable comments on YouTube give me questions about this lead to come up we’ll get back to you soon as I can if you’d like to see more YouTube tutorial videos check the links in the description if this video helps you give it a thumbs up and please consider subscribing to my channel gauging gadgets for Gadget reviews and texit Orioles thank you so much for watching
Top Tier Plugin Thank you for taking the time to create such an awesome plugin 🙂 easy way to remove comments
Does the job pretty well Wether you want to disable media comments only or posts, pages and media, or even rest api comments….or even all of them all together. This plugin will do the job with a click..! Very useful.
New Version of This Plugin is Absolute Garbage This use to be a simple an efficient little plugin that worked just great. I used it for years with no problems.
Now it’s just a data harvesting tool of everything you have on your site.
You could have just let this plugin alone the way it was and create a “Pro-Crap” version where you can make some money selling the ridiculous unnecessary features you now offer, while leaving the free version untouched without any data harvesting and no changes.
Please don’t even try to defend the fact that you will be not collecting data from sites here.
You are going to sound like the expensive hotel bills with the fine print below “For your convenience an 18% hospitality charge has been added to your total bill” For my convenience you are charging me 18% more? Gee thanks!
In this case you: “For your convenience we will be collecting all the data on your site to make this plugin work better”.
You said that there is an option out. The problem is that when you update the plugin to the new version you are already “opted in”. You have to manually opt out, by then you probably have already collected the information you needed. Looking at your source code sounds like you can reverse it anytime even after opting out.
Thank goodness I found a function.php script that will do exactly what this plugin used to do, “Disable all comments” without the bloated version you have implemented.
I have deleted your plugin from all my sites.
just works I’ve used this plugin on several sites for years, and this week was the first time it’s ever caused a problem. The developer had a fix ready within 24 hours. I’ll continue to use this plugin in confidence. Thanks for such a dependable plugin!
𤢠Another plugin ruined…
Does what it says We needed to disable comments globally. The solution? We just downloaded this plugin and it was as easy as 1-2-3. Very grateful for that!
Great plugin, great support Works fine, very easy setup, good privacy option.
Fast and good support in the wordpress forum.
Thanks alot 🙂
Everything that’s wrong with the WordPress ecosystem Unfortunately the new developer is clearly looking to monetize an extremely basic plugin like this. Unwanted notices in the WordPress admin that ask you to opt-in to tracking of your site data. (To “improve the experience”, no doubt.) Stay away from this or use the older version 1.11.0 which did not have tracking. (At least until the new developer removes the old version for whatever reason.)
Too Intrusive I use to love this plugin.
But it is now completly out of the line now !
Too intrusive for such a basic Feature.
I DON NOT WANT to help. I do not WANT pop-UP !
I do not Want annoying useless functions.
Ruined in the v2 update What was a very useful, very effective plugin is now a bloated mess.
Let’s be honest, turning comments on/off globally is something that should have been built into core 10 years ago. For a decade though this plugin cleanly and simply filled that need. I installed it by default on 90% of the sites I built for clients.
With V2 however is has a massive UI to control things, lots of popup messages/advertising, admin notices, banners etc. All that is needed is a single checkbox for “disable comments”, nobody needs a whole settings UI for this. I’m switching all our managed sites over to Disable Comments RB, which is I’m pretty sure is just a fork of v1 of this.