traffic is a payment Gateway which is used to process the credit card
we see the functionality of tribe payment
stripe payment
next page if you enable this option
in this page you’ll see
let’s try and transactions tab will display the transaction details
we will consider the title description text you could also add the description if you can change the text from here to check transaction publishable dashboard
message considered tripactions
if you select couch display in the choose the currency before payment tool
read the disclaimers by following this link
tribal support more than 125 days or next
respect cops option is used to restrict the payment on a credit card
checking email this option only works when the strike is lies
to accept the dressing option form
you can choose the image from the old media
or you can put direct URL
unable to save the credit card information for future transactions
debugging option
if you a transaction information will be saved into the log file if you enjoy the video thank you
and under lifterlms add-ons and more I’m actually going to
get stripe on here now this right here stripe and PayPal are the native lifterlms e-commerce check out payment gateways as well as so striping allow you to take credit cards on your website and then PayPal allows people to check out and buy your courses and memberships to PayPal woocommerce is an optional integration we have if you’d like to have your checkout experience happening through the woocommerce ecosystem and have people automatically enrolled and everything in this demonstration we’re going to just use the Electoral Ms stripe add-on so I’m going to click install
and now we’re going to activate it
click apply
and then I’m going to go to lifterlms settings
check out
and you can see down here we’ve got the stripe and Emmanuel payment Gateway manual payment gateways what comes in a literal mask or so if you’re going to be requesting money wire transfers or check in the mail or get some kind of instructions you can use the manual payment Gateway that’s included with lifterlms but we’re going to set up stripe so I’m going to click on stripe I’m going to click enable stripe
and here I’m going to put in the stripe API keys and I’ll put a link to the documentation on how to do that these are private keys inside my account so I’m going to do that and then I’ll come back and I’ll show you where to go from here we’re just about done all right so I have entered my stripe API keys and click save and now I’m going to go back to the front of my website
and if we go to the courses and we go to our Zoom course now when you go to check out
you see how we can take a credit card payment is really that simple and I’m just going to show you a little trick here I’m going to copy this URL since I’m already logged in as a WordPress administrator it’s not asking me for everything since I’m already registered on the site but just to show you what that looks like I’m copping this URL this is a good way to test and I’m going to go file newing incognito window in most browsers have something like this so I’m going to click on that so if somebody were to go by the course for 400 the payment plan for three payments of $400 they would just put in their email choose their password which they’ll be using on a learning management system put in their first name and last name in her the credit card and then I’ll be able to check out and that’s how easy it is to connect your payment Gateway and start collecting money through your lifterlms powered website
Great plugin after a few months on two sites This plugin works great. It’s easy to set up. So far so good!
Stripe payments ok except sofort or other delayed notification methods I suggest to NOT use payment methods like sofort, ideal… with this plugin. All those which requires the user to input banking information for the transaction on a 3rd party site (i.e. like klarna). Those are not processed immediately, it can take up to two weeks and often they fail.
For credit card payments or they gpay, apple pay pendants it works great.
It is not clear yet, if the problem comes from the plugin or stripe or both of them. Support threads are opened on both sides.
Very nice integration This is very nice and helpful integration. For me Stripe was key option for my shop. Thank you!
Simple and great plugin. works great.
Excellent Fraud Protection Can’t say enough how happy I am that switching to this gateway seems to have stopped fraudulent orders right in their tracks. I could not be happier after such poor performance from every single other gateway I have tried with WooCommerce. The Stripe Dashboard is extremely easy to navigate and quite intuitive by comparison to platforms like Braintree. As long as they continue to operate so seamlessly with WooCommerce and the fees don’t start going up I won’t even look elsewhere. This gateway took me from feeling nervous about every transaction to feeling secure. Thank you!
Fatal Error with Version 5.6.0 My site crashed with the new version, re-uploaded version 5.5.0 and all is back to normal – I am not a developer, now I’m worried I’ll have other issues.
This was my fatal error:
“Cannot declare class WC_Stripe_REST_Controller, because the name is already in use in”
Any suggestions are welcome
incompatability When I try to run this plugin and woocommerce POS the POS program gets a JSON error.
Compte Bloqué, impossible de communiquer J’utilise Stripe depuis 2 ans, jusque là , j’en était très content, seulement depuis lundi, le compte est bloqué car il manque un justificatif de domicile. A partir de là , grosse galère : j’ai soumis le document en respectant bien les critères, le système reste bloqué.
J’ai alors cherché à contacter le support (joignable par mail uniquement), sachant que les paiements étaient bloqués, j’ai précisé l’urgence mais rien n’y fait, le support ne répond qu’au bout de 24h avec un message générique qui ne fait rien avancer. J’ai répondu en joignant le document concerné mais rien n’y fait.
Cela fait 4 jours que les paiements sont bloqués et que mon avoir est gelé … je vend des vêtements sans marque que je personnalise, jamais de soucis avec des clients, société de type sarl établie depuis plus de 10 ans sans aucun souci …
Je suis scandlisé par le manque de conscience professionnelle de Stripe qui suspend les services et vous laisse dans la panade !! J’ai créé un compte chez un concurrent Mollie mais il faut attendre 7 jours de vérifications …
bad plugin / failed payments bad customer service and tons of failed payments. We probably lost potentially thousands of dollars in sales because of failed payments with this, that our normal CC plugin wouldn’t.
Card Payment not possible on IOS Safari Card Payment not possible on IOS Safari