after that it will show you all the templates both free and premium once
now I will import this premium theme
you can see that it’s not free open this theme click on import complete site after that it will show you options like this maybe you have more option if you have complete side already so choose whichever option you want to then click on import button many of you are stuck here in face error while importing if you stuck here then please contact me on my Discord server whenever I have free time I will reply you back and solve the issue it will take some time it will depend which team you are importing so while importing have some patience I am fast-forwarding the video as you can see it’s showing site imported successfully let’s check the site now our site imported successfully you can customize it as you like with page builder I will recommend you to use Elementor because it’s easy to use I know many of you want this premium plug-in just contact me on Discord I will purchase it for you and give it to you I want only one thing when you build your website just give me one back link to my website just contact me I will reply you back on Discord thanks for watching the video please
like share and subscribe I will see you in the next video till they could buy
import asking to install some plug-ins for me and then it’s going to configure those plugins which is to me super awesome
so I’ll wait for it to go through that
now this particular plug-in is free which is awesome and work specifically with the Astra theme so they’re downloading some hero images and things like that just so that it gives us a good idea of what the template should look like and then you can go in and replace those yourself so it’s complete now let’s refresh the original site and all of a sudden we have a completely
design site that we can go and replace images and we can change text and things like that what super cool about this is that they just introduced single page Imports look for different template like a learndash Academy and let’s say we want to offer courses on a particular page so you can actually click all courses and click import all courses template and guns going through the same process and we can review that template and now within the website you can see that now there’s an all courses page and of course we still have the rest of the template here so it really makes creating Pages pretty quick and when you go to edit the page these are all blocks with in Guttenberg
and so you’re going to edit it right here in the admin which is which is super fun
of course you can do the exact same thing if you go back over to appearance starter templates and you choose instead of Guttenberg
now you can have the exact same template applied using Elementor as opposed to Gutenberg and you’re on your way again so I think it’s a super cool way to the play around with new page designs maybe update the look of your website and remember the website that we had previously look nothing like this and now it’s it’s a fully formed beautiful website
National price no Beaver Builder was launched in 2014 and it is very similar to Elementary in a lot of ways it is a page builder and although it initially started out as a professional service they quickly realized that a freemium plan was better overall and that is the current plan which Beaver Builder offers know you will find a handful of differences between elements and beaver Builder despite their similarities so that’s why I’m going to cover in this video now Elementary and beaver Builder both give you live page editing capabilities which basically means that you can design your webpage live over the internet now for the premium or professional editions Beaver Builder starts at around $99 for that plan it allows you to use unlimited size the page builder plug-in you receive world-class support for one year you receive premium modules and templates as well
you use it on one site. Just come with 50-plus Pro widgets 300 plus pro templates 10 plus full website template it’s a theme Builder a woocommerce builder a papa Builder and support and upgrades for one year no to compare the two products they are very very similar both feature a very fast and super easy page builder elementarz obviously being alive front inversion a feature mini templates Beaver Builder with around 56 where is Elementary has around 300 at Beaver Builder has very limited third party integration where is Elementary has a wide range of additional add-ons which you can get with their plug-in know the key difference which I want to highlight in this review is that Beaver Builder is Keith and it’s mainly created for agencies essentially if you are an agency Beaver Builder is the website builder for you or at least it is a comparison
an individual Elementary is essentially the only one you want to go for whereas they both serve agencies rather well Elementary stands out for individuals to if you are an individual website Elementary is definitely the one I would go for which is why I do have it linked in the description at a special discount so you can check it out if you’d like that is going to do it for this quick little comparison so thanks for watching remember to leave like subscribe and hit the notification Bell and I will see you in the next video
So easy From blank page to ready-for-primetime website in, like, 3 days!
love it astra have light speed, great i love it.
Helpful Thanks a lot
Great one Great plugin..made my life easier
extremely user friendly I have never made a website in my life thank you for making this an easy process
great work you are grreat go on
Excellent head start for a new project Huge headstart when beginning a new project from scratch. They are exactly what they’re called, “starter templates” but some of them could actually be called “starter sites”. Just switch out images and copy and you’re pretty much done in less than half the time. Highly recommended.
Good websites for templates. good experience in finding the template here .but editing is a little bit hard.
STARTER TAMPLATES The starter template is practical and fast recording.
Muy útil y sencillo Colección de templates muy utiles y fáciles de usar.