how is Tyreek Hill from back link I’m going to show you how to speed up your WordPress site even if you’re a beginner don’t have much programming experience at one of the reasons why WordPress is slow is because it is a PHP based content management system and simply mean that you know it has to load a lot of the information from databases and I just you know it spends a lot of time to load and if you have a small site and you know you know you don’t have many visitors and you’ll be fine but if you ever going to flood of traffic or you traffic starts to increase you’re going to start to notice your side is going to get slower because you just simply don’t have to keep loading the site and a lot of service can handle it the way we’re presses set up by default so she could show you a really simple and free plugin that you can install to make your website load much faster so

just click going to your WordPress admin plugins add new go over to the search plugins box type in WP fastest catch click enter

okay now I’ve already installed it and use it on my side but you should click that installed button and then the next page it should show you activate now or after you click install you can go back over to the install plug-ins page

and then you just come down here and where it says he’ll say you know why you’re Dopey fast guess you just want to click activate so now that you’ve activated so I can show you how to set it up


okay so this is how my plug and said if you want to first check the first block this is an able to make sure you check new post Minify HTML Minify CSS come by and see it says combined Jazz gzip and browser catching so just check all those boxes for make sure you leave these two a check because you want to be able to check to make sure it’s working and you’re going to need to log out of WordPress to really check it so now that you checked all these boxes left these two blank make sure you check this one to Nable it just going to sip the log out

I’m going to test it out

okay I’ll go to the homepage

check some of the pages

okay here’s one of the pages and we’ll go to a few stores

okay you see at the bottom it says WP fastest cache files created in 4.69 seconds how Casey let’s go see me see pages are being safe so that’s definitely a quick and free way to speed up your WordPress site

and you know another way to do that is obviously they have a better server and things I can see the end but I think this is the most basic way give yourself a nice fast Speedy WordPress site you might not see the changes in the first couple minutes or 15 minutes or 20 20 minutes or so as you know you slowly get to see all your pages get catch you’ll definitely noticed a speed in your website and hopefully a low much faster for you and your visitors that’s it that’s how to speed up your WordPress site very quickly and efficiently and best of all free and stay tuned for more videos why show you how to optimize your WordPress site and some SEO as well thank you for watching and please subscribe thank you

WordPress popular plug-in WP fastest cash urgently needs an update the wp fastest cash plugin for optimizing the loading times if WordPress websites offer to tack options for cross-site scripting xss and SQL injection an update is available for the more than 1 million users of the cash plug-in WP fastest cash 0.9.5 eliminates the in all previous versions existing security problems if you haven’t updated the plug-in yet you should do so as soon as possible those who discovered the vulnerabilities rate to security risk is high too critical the secured version has been on the wp fastest cash download site available

to stay up-to-date with latest top stories make sure to subscribe to this YouTube channel by clicking the button above this video a blog entry from the company jet pack gives details of the two vulnerabilities which strangely have the same Cape Verdean escudos ID CV 2021 to 24869 but different descriptions and CVSs scores 7.7 high and 9.6 critical the score 7.7 relates to a possibility of SQL injection which however only exists under certain conditions the attacker must be logged in as a normal user and this must also be done in the attack WP installation plug-in classic editor be installed that these prerequisites are met it is conceivable that sensitive data such as user names can be accessed in combination with password hashes

the attack possibility rated 9.6 also exist without such restrictions but requires user interaction with the website in the course of a so-called cross-site request forgery attack it is possible to carry out any actions with the rights of the administrator who was responsible for the attack was registered in addition the attacker could permanently smuggle malicious code into the website in question which could later be used for stored xss attacks for example

Credits :Assistenza WP
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