and it’s going to create another page and it’s going to name it the exact same thing and so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go over just to the regular edit to start with because I want to change up a few things
so I’m going to do black stone hoops
District homes for sale
or you can call it whatever you want I’m going to go over here and then I’m also going to change this Blackstone District homes for sale and go take the two off the end which you might not be able to see but I did I take the two off the end of it and then everything else pretty much stays the same for right now I’m going to hit publish on that if you want to you can go in and delete those cuz I don’t know if this is part of one of your your neighborhoods so once it’s done here
loading I’m just going to go up to the top and click view page
and everything is duplicated from that point so now all I need to do is click on the enable visual Builder and this is how I can edit from the front end and then I’m just going to go through and I’m going to change all of these things right Blackstone District Real Estate you know and then you would go into here and you would change all of that stuff too
and you’re going to go through and change all this stuff as well okay and you’re content changes this stuff I’ll send to you in a camper
like a template but then you just kind of save it make your changes as needed and as you can see I clicked on the three little dots down here click save waited for it to refresh and then going to click exit visual Builder
I came to the conclusion to cancel the plan to hold the first word Camp Asia in January 2021 he picking the new dates when we have a better idea of the international travel situation will make sure to announce it at least six months prior to the event like I said a bit of a bummer our thoughts go out to the word Camp Asia team who have been working so hard for many years to make this this event happen there’s no telling at the team will end up switching to a fully virtual model like work a update or if they’re going to wait until they have a physical meet up but I’m sure whatever they do whenever they do it it’s going to be amazing have you ever find yourself looking for an easy way to duplicate a post on your site let’s say for instance that you do a weekly video series on a popular WordPress news site to work and you’d like to just take the last week’s post and share it again with updated links new YouTube in bed and a new title exactly what the duplicate post plug-in offers we’ve been a huge fan of this plugin for many years and we’re excited to find out the yoast SEO has acquired
Theodore duplicate post plug in and we’ll be adding his creator Enrico vitacci as a senior developer to their team according to Enrico the plug-in will always retain its current features and remain a totally free plugin and WordPress repository but there isn’t much more that we know about what changes to expect after the Yost acquisition who knows one thing you might do is change the name to duplicate Yost we were talking about this on our weekly livestream show the social hour and I was speculating the one of the reasons than SEO company might be interested in a post to Decatur plug-in what is to help increase a time of getting all your SEO settings right that’s that’s awesome that a lot of time back to the example from earlier if I’m starting with a pose with all the categories and tags set up along with the future damage and the other things that I might need all I have to do is duplicate that post and I’ll have all of the information ready to go of course I’ll still need to update parts of it but it sure to save a lot of time
congrats to Enrico and the rest of the Euro Steam on an adventure together we are extremely excited to see what you end up making together that’s it for this week’s news drop thanks so much for watching stay tuned next week for more WordPress news
this is a very simple but powerful plugin by default it is set up to work only on posts and pages
here you see the Clone and new draft buttons button the plug-in settings in the permission stop you can enable it to work on many other post types like for the audio Services team members or in this example we are going to enable the pop up anything on the kick plug-in that we reviewed in one of our previous videos and enable use duplicate post to work on that one too
this option to duplicate the pop-ups will save us valuable time when creating pop-up 2 years using many pop-up options and other things we have to do to publish a new pop up this will be very similar to one that we already have from the website
before I show you how this plug-in Works let’s review some of its options he needs settings you can choose which elements of the pages supposed to copy you can add a title prefix or suffix that will be added before or after the title of the Clone post so you can easily recognize it also there is an option where menu or there can be increased choose which method feels should not be copied and choose if you don’t want to copy the categories or tags
last thing to do is to show you how use duplicate post works it is really very simple just cover over a post or page click on the Clone button detect the new draft and edit and publish it there is some plug-ins that there always seems to Alton my websites even before I used to love him and this is one of them
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Destroys the page that was duplicated It works well with around 80% of our sites, but the other 20% it causes a massive problems. If you are are deep with SEO and using specific permalinks, duplicating the page makes the original one 404.
You might not even notice that error, because who checks the other page, right? In the meantime, you have a 404 losing important traffic, and probably revenue.
It took us some exploration to find out the cause. Yoast Duplicator keeps the clone’s permalink the same, thus you now have 2 pages that cannibalizes the URL.
We had the same issue with other duplicate/clone plugins, I can imagine that Yoast just used their code since it’s open source. That’s why we are deleting Yoast Duplicate Plugin from everywhere. It’s just annoying that it installs itself automatically. It should be removed from this area as I believe that should be against the WordPress Codex in my opinion.
So far the Duplicate Page plugin by mndpsingh287 ( does not cause that problem.
Yoast Team: Please stick to your core business, and do not diversify to some other tools you are not familiar with, thanks.
High CPU consumer This plugin is consistently seen in top 3 CPU consuming plugins on hundreds of websites. The call count is astonishing as well. Developers should pay a lot more attention to performance.
No Muss, No Fuss Nice, clean UI and does exactly what it says it does. Thx!
Simple but solid We use it on several Elementor based sites without problems. The simplicity is its power, not a wealth of features but created for one goal only. It works for us.
The recurring ad in the WordPress backend is a bit annoying and not in line with our esteem and the quality of Yoast and its products. On the other hand, we completely understand some kind of return of offering a free and solid product or service.
It saves us time, happy to use it. Thanks Yoast.
Regards, JJ
УбеÑиÑе Ñпам ХоÑоÑий плагин, но поÑÑоÑннÑй Ñпам поÑÑÐ¸Ñ Ð²Ñе впеÑаÑление.
Awesome plugin! Awesome plugin! I use it for so many years and always working perfect!
Very helpful THis plugin is very helpful and simple to use.
Just annoying! Just removed it form all pages. The annoying advertising for very little function, is just very silly. The developer seams not to understand the need of the admin. Very sad.
Very useful! A great plugin, works as expected and saves me time!
Canonical URL – New Content NOT Indexed by Google We’re not sure at what point this feature was added; but we’ve noticed recently that when you duplicate a post, the plugin is now auto-populating the ‘Canonical URL’ field within the advanced tab.
Whilst we can understand the logic behind this functionality were somebody duplicating content with the purpose of only changing a few minor pieces of content, we think in reality most users (certainly non-technical users) would use this plugin in the way that we do; duplicating a particular page purely to retain it’s layout and particular content blocks – BUT with the aim of updating the actual page content almost in it’s entirety.
It would be nice to see a setting within the plugin settings that allows you to toggle this feature on or off at a global level. We fear our end clients will now be producing content with a canonical URL set, meaning any new content won’t be getting indexed by Google.
While a development or SEO agency would understand these advanced settings (now that we know it’s doing it in the first place!), we’re not sure you can expect non-technical personnel / content creators to have to delve into advanced settings.
We’ve now got to communicate with about 50 or so clients who use this plugin, explain to them what a canonical URL is and get them to go back and check any content they have created over however many months and clear this field back out!